Performance Management
Performance Management connects State employees to the mission of their agency, and helps them to be successful public servants. In the State, performance management begins with a personal performance plan, goals and metrics which align with the agency’s strategic plan, followed by on-going one-on-one (1:1) coaching.
Coaching helps to: increase productivity; maintain alignment on work and professional goals; enable quick course corrections; develop problem solving skills, and build relationships based upon trust.
Performance management culminates with a formal, transparent and collaborative annual appraisal which evaluates the employee's performance and behaviors in relation to their goals.
Aside from being the right thing to do, performance management is required by the Arizona State Personnel System (ASPS) Rules. Doing the right thing the right way is also important!
- ASPS Performance Appraisal Administrative Guidelines - For MAP Only
ASPS Performance Appraisal Administrative Guidelines - For AZPerforms! Only
- Helpful Performance Evaluation Resources:
In the spirit of continuous improvement, the State Human Resources Division (HRD) is transitioning agencies from the Managing Accountability & Performance (MAP) legacy system, to the AZPerforms! (AZP) Platform. Click the Learn More buttons below to discover the commonalities and differences between each appraisal system.