State Agency Resources

Provides a link to the Agency Handbook created by the State Attorney General's Employment Office. The handbook provides agencies with information about federal and state laws and relevant court cases.

Provides a link to the ADOA Benefits Division webpage, which contains helpful information on the many benefits available to State employees.

Provides valuable resources such as job specifications, pay ranges, compensation guidelines, and much more...

Provides tools for supervisors, managers, and human resources professionals to provide coaching to employees.

Provides resources for agencies for improving employee engagement.

Provides tools newly hired employees need to start their new positions, including completing new hire paperwork, receiving equipment, etc.

This is a new pilot program that provides paid parental leave to eligible employees and expands the use of sick leave.

Provides links to relevant statewide human resources forms and templates, including leave, discipline and much more...

Provides calendars showing time sheet due dates, pay days and paid holidays.

Provides tools and resources related to the use of the State's Human Resources Information System (HRIS).

Provides links to login to HRIS, YES and other applicable portals.

Provides resources for human resources staff to verify employment.

Provides information on mandatory training as well as login links to TraCorp (training portal) and LinkedIn Learning.

Includes performance management, coaching, Human Resources Academy and several other terrific projects.

Provides links to the State Personnel Rules, statewide and ADOA human resources policies, the employee handbook, and other helpful resources.

Provides schedules for the periods of time that various types of documents must be retained.

Provides the link to the servicenow System, which agencies use to submit requests for the processing and/or approvals of functions handled by the ADOA HRD.

Shared Services (SS) is a unit of ADOA Human Resources. Shared Services assists small and medium agencies with their human resources needs. Learn about the many services offered by Shared Services.

The State of Arizona Leaders Connect (SALC) program develops state agency leaders to be collaborative and hold one another accountable to improve the lives of the people of Arizona.

Provides links to federal and state employment related posters which are required to be posted in conspicuous places at worksites.

Provides information on available publications and reports, as well as COVID Resources.