AZ360 Launch! AZ360 is the State of Arizona's modernized, all-in-one, personnel and financial data management and services application. AZ360 Finance replaced AFIS in October 2023. AZ360 HR will become the new HRIS/Y.E.S. starting May 2025. 

Man stacking blocks with smiley faces on them
Your Employee Services (YES)

Your Employee Services (YES)

Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) Contribution Rate Increase

Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) Contribution Rate Increase 

As of July 1, 2019, the total contribution rate of the ASRS Retirement Pension & Health Insurance Benefit for both the employer and the employee has increased slightly from 11.64% to 11.94% for fiscal year 2020. Likewise, the Long Term Disability Income Plan has increased very slightly from .16% to .17% for both the employer and the employee for fiscal year 2020.  Contribution rates are actuarially determined and adjusted annually to ensure the plan remains fiscally sound and able to meet current and future obligations. For more information, please visit ASRS's website at

Total Compensation

Do you ever wonder about the total value of your compensation package as an employee of the state?  An employee’s total compensation consists not only of the money earned for the work performed (pay), but it also includes the State’s cost to provide a comprehensive benefits package (including government-mandated benefits) to an employee and his or her family.  

You can access your personalized Total Compensation by logging in to YES.  From the main menu, choose Pay, then Total Compensation.  This statement provides your estimated total annual compensation, based on your current pay rate and elections, and is updated each pay period.

If you have any questions regarding your estimated statement, please contact your agency Human Resources Office for assistance.

2018 W-2 and 1095-C Information

W-2 Statements:

Employees are encouraged to consent to receive their W-2 online.  Employees will get their W-2 earlier and can save the State considerable W-2 printing and postage costs.  If an employee has already consented, it is not necessary to consent again. The W-2 Advisory flyer provides employees the information needed in order to complete the consent process via YES.

Employees who have not consented to receive their W-2 online will be mailed their 2018 W-2 by January 31, 2019. Please ensure your mailing address in YES is accurate. Mailing addresses in YES as of Tuesday, January 1, 2019 at 2:00 PM will be used for the mailing. Any duplicate W-2s that are needed will be available via the YES Website ( starting February 1, 2019.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your agency’s Payroll or Human Resources Office.

1095-C Statements:

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires the State of Arizona to send an annual statement to all employees eligible for coverage describing the insurance available to them. A 1095-C statement will be generated by the State of Arizona to serve as your documentation to the IRS about coverage offered to you. The IRS will use the information from your 1095-C to determine whether you have health care coverage.

Statements are scheduled to be placed in the mail to employees’ home addresses by January 31, 2019, so employees should expect them in early February 2019. If you believe you should have received a 1095-C but did not, please contact Benefits Services Division at 602-542-5008.  For further information, please see the 2018 1095-C Advisory flyer.

Excess Annual Leave - Final Reminder

Excess annual leave must be used on or before Friday, January 11, 2019, to avoid forfeiture of the excess hours.  For agencies, boards and commissions under the State Personnel System, the maximum number of annual leave hours an employee may carry over into a new calendar year is 320 hours for uncovered employees and 240 hours for covered employees.  Any hours in excess of the maximum carryover limits are subject to forfeiture. Employees and managers can monitor annual leave balances by logging in to YES and clicking on Leave Activity.  

Excess Annual Leave is Subject to Forfeiture

Employees are expected to manage and use their annual leave throughout the year to ensure any excess annual leave is used by the end of the year. For agencies, boards and commissions under the State Personnel System, the maximum number of annual leave hours an employee may carry over into a new calendar year is 320 hours for uncovered employees and 240 hours for covered employees. Any hours in excess of the maximum carryover limits are subject to forfeiture.

It is important that employees be aware of their annual leave balances through the remainder of the year and schedule leave with their supervisor, so that impacts on end of year coverage will be minimal and carryover exception requests are reduced significantly. There should not be any expectation that unused excess leave will be approved for carryover, even if it has been in the past. Employees and managers can monitor annual leave balances by logging on to YES and clicking on Leave Activity. 

Tax Form 1095-C Mailed to Employees’ Homes

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires certain employers, including the State of Arizona, to offer health insurance to full-time employees and their dependents, and to provide a Form 1095-C to applicable employees. 1095-C forms for the 2016 tax year have been mailed to employees’ home addresses, so you may have already received your form, or you should receive it within the next few days.

If you have questions about your Form 1095-C, or if you believe you should have received a 1095-C but did not, please contact the Benefits Services Division at 602-542-5008 or [email protected]. For more information about the ACA, visit the Benefits Services Division at and then click the Affordable Care Act link. Any tax related questions should be directed to your personal tax advisor. 

Cyber Safety Awareness

YES is the State’s Web Based Portal that allows you as an employee the ability to view and maintain your employee data. This system can be accessed anywhere an internet connection exists – from a home computer, laptop or public computers at the library. The State of Arizona takes many precautions to ensure the data stored in YES is guarded against attacks from hackers and cyber criminals. It is your responsibility outside of the workplace to ensure the computers you are using to access YES are protected from such attacks as well. Cyber criminals employ tools such as Keyloggers which monitor the keys typed in and can easily retrieve User IDs, passwords and other information a user may not wish others to know about. Click here to learn how you can reduce your chances of falling victim to such attacks.