AZ360 Launch! AZ360 is the State of Arizona's modernized, all-in-one, personnel and financial data management and services application. AZ360 Finance replaced AFIS in October 2023. AZ360 HR will become the new HRIS/Y.E.S. starting May 2025. 

Man stacking blocks with smiley faces on them
Your Employee Services (YES)

Your Employee Services (YES)

Saving For Retirement Made Easier - The 457(B) Deferred Comp Plan

When you join your employer’s 457(b) deferred compensation (comp) plan, you get a wealth of online resources to help you set your goals, research investment options and decide how much to save for retirement.

But you also get attentive service from Nationwide® Retirement Specialists. We’ll take time to understand your situation.  Click here for more information and to schedule an appointment.

Nationwide Retirement Health Care Webinar

Nationwide Retirement Deferred Compensation programs can help you boost your retirement readiness.  Join them for an informational webinar on August 19, 2021, as they focus on healthcare costs in retirement, what medicare covers and how you can prepare for these expenses.  

Click HERE to learn more and find registration information.

Arizona Smart Save Retirement Plan Webinars

Deferred compensation can help you secure your financial future.  Grab a cup of coffee or a bite to eat and join us for one of these informative webinars during the month of May to learn more about this important State benefit. 

Click on each link to learn more and to register:


Women and Retirement

What kind of lifestyle do you want to enjoy?

Women face unique challenges as they prepare financially for retirement.  Women may spend less time in the workforce, accumulate less in lifetime savings, live longer and invest more conservatively than men.

Please join us for this webinar presented by the Nationwide Retirement Institute 

Wednesday, May 5th, 11:30 am- 12:30 pm

For more information and to register please click here.

Arizona Smart Save Retirement Plan Webinar

Enroll in your employer’s 457(b) deferred compensation plan and get personalized guidance from knowledgeable Retirement Specialists for every stage of planning for retirement.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 

11AM to Noon

Click here for more information and to register.

Rollout of AZPerforms!

Good news, State of Arizona employees!

This year all Arizona State Personnel System agencies will begin adopting a new, improved performance management system called AZPerforms! This system will replace the Managing for Accountability and Performance (MAP) appraisal system that has been in place since 2013.

AZPerforms! offers many benefits for employees and managers alike. These include:

  • A simple, intuitive, easy to use Web-based platform that is scalable to any agency’s size
  • Managers will have more discretion in evaluating employee performance using a 5-point rating scale in 0.5 increments measuring Results and Behaviors aligned with the State’s Core Beliefs and Values
  • A year-long performance management process tied to employee development and ongoing coaching with performance documentation

The statewide one-on-one coaching methodology that management uses to encourage and support employee development and continuous improvement is embedded in the AZPerforms! platform - another huge plus for employee career advancement.

Agencies will decide the timing of transitioning the new appraisal platform within the next 12-18 months and you can expect additional information from your HR teams, including training and instructions for completing the new, simplified appraisal forms. 

Notice: COVID-19 Testing Available for State employees, dependents and retirees on the state health plan

Weekly appointments are available for COVID-19 saliva-based testing. The test is easy, painless and fast, and you will receive results in about 24 to 48 hours. Testing is available Tuesday through Thursday at the ADOA Capitol Mall site in Phoenix.

Find more information here.

Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) Contribution Rate Increase for FY22

As of July 1, 2021, the total contribution rate of the ASRS Retirement Pension & Health Insurance Benefit for both the employer and the employee has increased slightly from 12.04% to12.22% for fiscal year 2022.  Likewise, the Long Term Disability Income Plan has increased very slightly from .18% to .19% for both the employer and the employee for fiscal year 2022.  This brings the combined total contribution rates to 12.41% for fiscal year 2022.  

Contribution rates are actuarially determined and adjusted annually to ensure the plan remains fiscally sound and able to meet current and future obligations.  For more information, please read the full article in this ASRS publication, or visit ASRS's website.

Expiration of EPSL and EFMLA on December 31, 2020

Earlier this year, the Federal government passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which is in effect through December 31, 2020.  This law provides two types of paid leave for COVID-19 reasons: Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Expanded Family Medical Leave (EFML). 

With the end of the FFCRA on December 31, 2020, employees currently on EPSL or EFML will need to convert to another form of leave, since these leaves are no longer legally authorized or available.  Employees who need leave for reasons related to COVID-19 on or after January 1, 2021 should work with their supervisors and Human Resources regarding which type of leave is appropriate for their situations.

Rapid COVID-19 Testing Available for State Employees, Dependents and Retirees on the State Health Plan

Rapid COVID-19 testing is available for State empoyees, dependents and retirees on the state health plan

Weekly appointments are available for Rapid COVID-19 saliva-based testing.  The test is easy, painless and fast, and you will receive results in about 24 to 48 hours. 

Testing is available Tuesday through Thursday at State of Arizona sites in Phoenix and Tucson.

Find more information here.