AZ360 Launch! AZ360 is the State of Arizona's modernized, all-in-one, personnel and financial data management and services application. AZ360 Finance replaced AFIS in October 2023. AZ360 HR will become the new HRIS/Y.E.S. starting May 2025. 

Man stacking blocks with smiley faces on them
Your Employee Services (YES)

Your Employee Services (YES)

AZ Smart Save Deferred Compensation Plan 2020 Virtual Benefit Fair - November 1 through November 30, 2020

Attend a 3D interactive event to help take advantage of the benefits of enrolling and planning for the financial future you want.

The virtual benefit fair runs from November 1 through November 30, 2020.

This year’s virtual experience makes it easy to meet virtually with your Retirement Specialists and learn from two educational workshops:

  • Retirement Myths and Realities - Dispel myths concerning Social Security benefits, inflation, Medicare and related topics
  • Approaching and Living in Retirement - Identify 10 things you can do to prepare for and live in retirement 

Review and manage your account, or enroll if you haven’t already

Watch a short “Secret Strategy for Retirement Savings” video

Play the trivia game as often as you like; see how you rank against your peers by getting your name up on the Leader Board

Register for webinars that can help you make decisions about managing your money and planning for retirement

Virtual Benefit Fair Flyer

AZ State Jobs is Getting a Makeover

AZ State Jobs is Getting a Makeover

Go Live is November 12, 2020

Regardless of your role in the hiring process, with lots of new features and functionality, the new State Job Board has something to like for everyone.  

Job Seekers

  • Apply using your mobile device
  • Improved applicant portal 
    • Automated forms
    • Online dashboards to check hiring status 
    • Receive automated email notifications as your application proceeds through the hiring process

Recruiters and Hiring Managers

  • Enhanced window on the recruitment workflow
  • Data analytics: Time to fill, jobs by status, jobs by recruiter, applications submitted, offers accepted/declined


Notice: Resumes on file in the current state Job Board will need to be uploaded again to the new Job Board after November 12.

The job board can be accessed at:

Open Enrollment is Here - Enroll Today

Open Enrollment is October 19 - November 6 at 5 pm Arizona time. Active employees and retirees must re-enroll for all 2021 benefits.

You can also add or drop dependents and update your beneficiaries and contact information.

To learn more about 2021 benefits, visit

To enroll, visit 

Civic Duty Leave for Voting

As you know, Tuesday, November 3, 2020, is the General Election and all state government employees are encouraged to vote. Pursuant to State laws and rules, state employees may receive paid leave in order to exercise their voting privileges under certain conditions. For more information regarding civic duty leave for the purpose of voting, click here.

Excess Annual Leave - Final Reminder

Excess annual leave must be used on or before Friday, January 8, 2021 to avoid forfeiture of any excess hours.  For agencies, boards and commissions under the State Personnel System, the maximum number of annual leave hours an employee may carry over into a new calendar year is 320 hours for uncovered employees and 240 hours for covered employees.  Any hours in excess of the maximum carryover limits are subject to forfeiture.  Employees and managers can monitor annual leave balances by logging in to YES and clicking on Leave Activity.  

Roll Up Your Sleeve - Flu Shots Now Available

Notice: Roll Up Your Sleeve - Flu Shots Now Available

This year, it is more important than ever to get your annual flu shot to protect yourself and others. Flu shots are considered preventive and are available at $0 for all employees and covered dependents on our medical plans. Plus, you can earn HIP points. See a full schedule of worksite clinics and public locations here.

View/Download Paycheck Stubs in Y.E.S.

Employee paycheck stubs are available in Y.E.S. under Your Employee Services > Pay > Paychecks.  To view your electronic paycheck stub, click on the pay date.  To download your paycheck stub, click on the link labeled 'Printable Pay Stub'.  Issues downloading your pay stub?  Ensure your pop-up blockers are disabled in your internet browser settings.  For information on how to disable pop-up blockers click here.

Open Enrollment Coming October 19 - November 6

Open Enrollment Coming October 19 - November 6 

Open Enrollment is coming! To receive timely benefits communications, please update your contact information. Go to Your Employee Services > Personal Information > Contact Information. You can learn more about the upcoming open enrollment changes by visiting  More information coming out soon. 

Benefits Mailing: Early October - A packet with the 2021 Enrollment Guide and a guide from each of our medical carriers will arrive at your home for you to review with your family. 

Benefit Expos: Begin October 5 - Webinar sessions will be offered mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends. See an in-depth explanation of the new medical plan with examples, along with presentations from our carriers. We will have registration information in the mailing and upcoming emails. Your family members are welcome to join in the webinars.

Open Enrollment: October 19 - November 6 at 5 pm Arizona time - During this time, you must re-enroll for all 2021 benefits. You can also add or drop dependents, update your beneficiaries and your contact information.

Managing the Taxes on Your Retirement Income webinar on 09/16/20

The Nationwide Retirement Institute Tax-efficient Retirement Income program provides insight into how taxes can impact retirement plans.

Gain understanding on the basics of taxation and how tax laws can help with retirement planning.

This session will enable you to have valuable and insightful conversations about your retirement income plan

Webinar: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 11:30am -12:30pm AZ Time

Webinar Registration Flyer

Excess Annual Leave is Subject to Forfeiture

Employees are expected to manage and use their annual leave throughout the year to ensure any excess annual leave is used by the end of the year.  For agencies, boards and commissions under the State Personnel System, the maximum number of annual leave hours an employee may carry over into a new calendar year is 320 hours for uncovered employees and 240 hours for covered employees.  Any hours in excess of the maximum carryover limits are subject to forfeiture.  It is important that employees closely manage their annual leave balances through the remainder of the year and schedule leave with their supervisor, so that impacts on end of year coverage will be minimal and carryover exception requests are significantly reduced.  There should not be any expectation that unused excess leave will be approved for carryover, even if it has been approved in the past.  Employees and managers can monitor annual leave balances by logging in to YES and clicking on Leave Activity.