Tax Form 1095-C Mailed to Employees’ Homes

June 8, 2022

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires certain employers, including the State of Arizona, to offer health insurance to full-time employees and their dependents, and to provide a Form 1095-C to applicable employees. 1095-C forms for the 2016 tax year have been mailed to employees’ home addresses, so you may have already received your form, or you should receive it within the next few days.

If you have questions about your Form 1095-C, or if you believe you should have received a 1095-C but did not, please contact the Benefits Services Division at 602-542-5008 or For more information about the ACA, visit the Benefits Services Division at and then click the Affordable Care Act link. Any tax related questions should be directed to your personal tax advisor.