Open Enrollment Coming October 19 - November 6

June 8, 2022

Open Enrollment Coming October 19 - November 6 

Open Enrollment is coming! To receive timely benefits communications, please update your contact information. Go to Your Employee Services > Personal Information > Contact Information. You can learn more about the upcoming open enrollment changes by visiting  More information coming out soon. 

Benefits Mailing: Early October - A packet with the 2021 Enrollment Guide and a guide from each of our medical carriers will arrive at your home for you to review with your family. 

Benefit Expos: Begin October 5 - Webinar sessions will be offered mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends. See an in-depth explanation of the new medical plan with examples, along with presentations from our carriers. We will have registration information in the mailing and upcoming emails. Your family members are welcome to join in the webinars.

Open Enrollment: October 19 - November 6 at 5 pm Arizona time - During this time, you must re-enroll for all 2021 benefits. You can also add or drop dependents, update your beneficiaries and your contact information.