Open Enrollment for 2022 Benefits is November 1-19, 2021

June 8, 2022

Active Employee Enrollment Options

  1. To keep your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for healthcare, limited purpose or daycare/eldercare, you must re-enroll each year. This is your TASC card account.
  2. If you DON'T have an FSA, and you want to keep your current coverage for 2022, re-enrollment is not required.
  3. To change your coverage: You may add/drop dependents, and change coverage or carriers by going through enrollment in November. To enroll, visit> YES Portal.

Retiree Enrollment Options

  • No changes? If you would like to keep your benefit elections and enrolled dependents the same for 2022, you will not need to go through the enrollment process.
  • Need to make a change? If you would like to change your carrier or add/remove dependents, you will need to re-enroll. To make your benefit elections online, visit the Retiree Self Service Page.