Managing Accountability and Performance (MAP) Courses

Abbreviations used: Computer Based Training(CBT), Instructor Lead Training(ILT)

ADMAP4NS (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

MAP 1 for New Supervisors
(Required for Supervisors) This course provides an introduction to the State's new performance management system, Managing Accountability and Performance (MAP). This course is a condensed version of the former MAP course and is required training for all supervisors within the first six months of hire or promotion.

MAP101 (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

Introduction to MAP
This course is required for all employees within six months of hire. This course covers the basics of the State's new performance management system, Managing Accountability and Performance (MAP).

MAPAPPRA (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

Leading a MAP Appraisal Meeting
This webinar offers strategies and tips for meeting with direct reports to discuss their MAP performance appraisal. The course provides a six-step agenda to conduct the appraisal meeting, a list of questions to involve employees, and reviews an approach to the meeting that focuses on the future, rather than the past.

MAPCONVERS (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

Performance Documentation
This webinar offers strategies and tips for maintaining performance documentation in support of MAP. The course provides elements of effective documentation, how to avoid common documentation errors, and how to engage employees to create and maintain their own performance documentation.

MAPEMPPART (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

MAP Employee Participation
This webinar offers strategies and tips on how to actively participate in the MAP appraisal process.

MAPPERFDOC (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

Performance Documentation
This webinar offers strategies and tips for maintaining performance documentation in support of MAP. The course provides elements of effective documentation, how to avoid common documentation errors, and how to engage employees to create and maintain their own performance documentation.

MAPRATING (CBT, est. 30 minutes)

Writing About and Rating Employee Performance
This webinar will assist you to identify sources of data to be used in preparing MAP performance appraisals, identify common rating errors, apply the rating scale to an example, and identify the elements of effectively written performance appraisals.